Home for the Holidays – The Values Hub

Product Name: Home for the Holidays – The Values Hub

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Engaging Life Through Values

Podcast Part OneWhat are values and why do they matter when I am home for the holidays?

Podcast Part TwoHow might we embrace the values we all bring to family?

Podcast Part ThreeHow do I tap into my own values to navigate-and-thrive during the holidays?

Sometimes when I gather with my family, I wish they were different. But I really think I need to be the who is different.

As we gather with our family and cherished ones on the holidays, special events, or while celebrating significant life moments, our aspiration is for these moments to be filled with happiness, lasting memories, a sense of ease, and friendship. Whether it’s a sacred high holiday, religious festivals, or life’s pivotal transitions, these are opportunities for us to emerge with a stronger feeling of connection and contentment.Yet, what transpires is often occasions when we find ourselves facing stress, conflicts, sadness, or even the thought of why did I even come to see these people? We ask ourselves, why is it so hard to gather with my family?

We’ve all experienced such situations in the past, and it’s possible that we’ll encounter them again in the future.

At times, it can seem like we’re stuck in the same cycle of trivial disagreements, lengthy arguments about important and not-so-important topics, and a flood of opinions that become overwhelming.

Whether it’s the divisive discussions surrounding sports, religion, or politics, or the familiar inter-generational blame game, these occasions of “togetherness” can often be marked by greater discord than unity.

Some relatives are just “different,” and that makes times together kind of sticky. It makes us feel like we are 12 again – aware but powerless.If you’ve ever encountered such situations, you might find yourself eagerly anticipating the moment when you can finally say, “it’s time to head back home“.

We all know that there are certain family members who excel at pushing our buttons and eliciting reactions from us. In such circumstances, it might not exactly feel like home for the holidays, and it’s impractical to anticipate that everyone within our close-knit circle will adapt to our preferences.

So, how can we prepare ourselves to make the most of our upcoming gatherings?

Join us for this significant and insightful podcast where we delve into these occasions from a distinctive angle – always with the aim to make family gathering time more meaningful.Our podcast special guests explore the concept of ‘home for the holidays,’ not through the lens of psychology or family dynamics, expecting our relatives to magically transform into better people.

Instead, we explore the topic from the standpoint of values.

Values are deeply held ideals we develop when we are young, and refine as we grow as adults. As our presenter Dr. McClure says, “values are like little packages of energy that anchor and inspire us in life.” We act upon our values consistently and repeatedly throughout life.

What are the values that ground us and enable us to bring out our best selves, even when we are with our loved ones who may sometimes test our patience? What are the ideals that we act upon repeatedly and consistently in our lives? How can these ideals anchor and guide us through the holidays?

It’s these deeply held ideals that we know as values. Identifying them and understanding them will provide us with an anchor for the times we are together with the ones we love.

When we come together, we discover the presence of significant values. These values not only shape our own actions but also demand our awareness when we reunite with our beloved ones.

We’ve gathered a variety of materials designed to address the common inquiries we have when getting ready to spend quality moments with family and our cherished ones. This collection isn’t limited to the “typical major celebrations,” but is intended for any occasion when we’re getting set to reconnect with those we hold dear.

Plus more resources designed to create an immersive learning and preparation experience.

When we explore life and examine it through the lens of values, we would prefer to access content that is just how we created “Home for the Holidays.”

We are dedicated to providing high-quality learning resources to you at a price that is accessible to everyone. Affordable and accessible – with immediate application to your life experience. But at what cost?

The content listed above – the podcast, the deepening video, 22 pages of downloadable resources – we priced it at:

There’s no countdown, there’s no “but wait there’s more,” no muss, no fuss, and no gimmicks! Just a high-quality, and affordable just in time resource ready to provide you with insight before the next time you are “home for the holidays” whatever that holiday might be!

Home for the Holidays Podcast and Resources

Dr. Barbara (Bar) McClureOur Podcast Special Guest

This podcast offers detailed, enlightening, and captivating content. Dr. Bar McClure, a renowned speaker and writer, focuses on human flourishing in her presentations. We believe you’ll appreciate her laid-back approach to discussing this significant subject.

Dale Reesor, Values Hub LeadDeepening the Insights

I’ve assembled a valuable set of resources, and in the “18-minute deepening” video presentation, I will guide you through these resources to prepare you to apply them to your own life and context.

This short “how to” is a great companion to the essential worksheets and downloadable materials designed to complement the podcast. The podcast introduces various values and concepts concerning personal authenticity regardless of our life’s stage. We’ve condensed these into practical resources that you can utilize anywhere, not solely reserved for when you’re “home for the holidays”.

Matt Day, Podcast HostRecording and Sound Engineering

I have a keen interest in life, engaging in dialogue on topics that are meaningful, and gaining insights from others’ perspectives on life and their experience. The conversation in this podcast fascinate me as we all share the experience of family. When creating podcasts or video content, I prioritize ensuring the information is presented with quality, and am constantly aiming for greater interaction, more inventive delivery, and minimal disruptions.

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At the Values Hub, we understand that making decisions about identifying values and implementing values-based workplace transformation can be daunting. As a leader, your priority is to serve your people. That’s why we are here and ready to have a conversation with you and offer our support.

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Copyright © 2023 · The Values Hub

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Home for the Holidays – The Values Hub is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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